United Crescent Hill Ministries (UCHM)
Parish representative: Carol Sexton
United Crescent Hill Ministries (UCHM) is a community ministry sponsored by 19 churches/religious institutions, businesses, and individuals within Crescent Hill, Clifton, Clifton Heights, and Butchertown for the purpose of providing vital social services to these communities and beyond. The UCHM mission is to build “compassionate community by providing programs for education, emergency assistance, health, wellness, and social activities.” St. Leonard Parish makes financial contributions to the work of UCHM, and individual parishioners volunteer in UCHM’s many service opportunities. We hope to continue to grow our parish’s support of UCHM and would love to welcome new volunteers into our UCHM service – please consider getting involved in this wonderful ministry!

June Donation Request for UCHM:
2021 School Supply Sponsorship Drive
Sponsor a student by purchasing a new backpack and donating $20, which UCHM staff will use to fill the backpacks with school supplies for K – 8 students in need in our 40206 zip code.
You can drop off new backpacks in the box in the church vestibule or at the St. Leonard parish office. Checks can be made out to “United Crescent Hill Ministries” and either mailed to the parish office or dropped in the regular collection basket. You can also donate online by visiting https://www.uchmlouky.org/get-involved/give and clicking on “School Supply Giveaway.” Thank you for your generous support!