This Sunday we will have the blessing of the bambinelli at all our masses. Bambinelli is the Italian word for babies, and it originated years ago when St John Paul II invited the children of Rome to bring the Baby …
Every Advent I encounter one of the strongest images of our Advent wait in the scriptures. And every year I marvel that much of the world accomplished it in the 20th century. “Every valley shall be filled and every mountain …
In these days of Amazon next-day delivery it’s hard to remember that when I was a kid we would save up cereal box tops to send away for toys and things. And the form you filled out would always contain …
I have my Grandmother Sarah’s rolling pin. She died when I was a baby so I didn’t know her, but my mom inherited the rolling pin. I remember her rolling out pie dough and cookie dough on the kitchen counter …
Back in the early 90’s when my brother was living in Los Angeles the first time, we were having our weekly phone conversation and he told me about a movie that I would really like a lot, and to watch …
That’s what the ancient Greek word litourgia or liturgy means. You might not think of it as work, but there are certainly jobs involved in our liturgies. Currently 40 over the weekend masses at both parishes, 24 At St Frances …
Last Sunday, October 10, 3,000 people gathered with Pope Francis. Men and women, lay people and clergy, they came as representatives from around the world for a mass to open a synodal process for the whole world. This is a …
At weekday mass, we’ve been reading through the book of Jonah for the first reading. You know, the whale and … well mostly we remember the whale. But the whole purpose of the whale is to get Jonah to Nineveh …
October 2, 1887 On the 9th of November the Catholic Church will celebrate the dedication of the cathedral church of Rome. It was on that day in 324 AD that Pope Sylvester I consecrated the basilica of the Lateran Palace …